Monday, May 4, 2009

30 Days to Live (4 of 4): Where do you stand with God?

Yesterday, Matt concluded the 30 Days to Live series by discussing where we stand with God.  He talked about how a lot of people wonder if they are doing enough to spend eternity in Heaven.  Matt touched on how good/religious people don't go to heaven just because they are good/religious.  Matt talked about a passage in the Bible where Nicodemus was wondering the same thing:  How do I get into Heaven?

Here's what Jesus had to say about the topic:

John 3: 1-7
1 There was a man from the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2 This man came to Him at night and said, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher, for no one could perform these signs You do unless God were with him."  3 Jesus replied, " I assure you: Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."    4 "But how can anyone be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked Him. "Can he enter his mother's womb a second time and be born?"    5 Jesus answered, " I assure you: Unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not be amazed that I told you that you must be born again.

John 3: 14-17
14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life.  16 "For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.  17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

So, just as the snake was raised up, Jesus was raised on the cross, and when you believe that , you will have eternal life with Him.

Matt did a neat little visual about putting our trust in Jesus.  He used the stool as an example of how we put our complete trust in that stool when we sit on it.  We don't stand from a distance and trust in the stool, and we don't just put part of our body on the stool and trust it.  We put our entire weight on the stool and we trust that it will hold us up.  That's what we have to do with Jesus.  He wants us to put all of our trust in Him, not just certain parts.  He wants us to put our trust in every aspect of our lives in Him.  We have to put everything we are and everything we have into Jesus because that is why He did what He did.  Jesus doesn't just want part of our trust/faith.  He wants all of our trust/faith.

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